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If the outcome is attributed to a certain part of the system the various, perhaps infinite, relationships that determine the whole that create the pathology becomes conceptualized and misinterpreted.

do not behold the outward creation. It is hindrance, not action. 

"What!"... It will be questioned 

I look through it, and not with it


need this to be dry, everything is sopping.


sometimes its all you've got left to give. there's pine needles that pierce into the bottom of my foot when stepped on at just the right angle. I don't need much today. she's much to sick to go on

sea foam during a storm 2023

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 2.28.35 PM.png

human beings in a flirtatious relationship of symbiosis, genetically locked in an immediate physiological system of human emergence

tormented self reflective catalyzed into a reciprocal feedback relationship  

I also undertook another task, but I won't tell you what that was lest l spoil the story for you.  

if you're hooked on it, nothing will get you off of it

the emperor has no clothes

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